2009년 8월 21일 금요일

Questions for Poverty

What was your definition of poverty?

My definition of poverty was: Poverty is when you lack your essential needs for life such as clean water, food, shleter, etc.

What questions do you have about poverty?

1. How do people end up in poverty?

2. How many percent of the poor people actually escape poverty?

3. What is the way to escape poverty?

Interview 3 other people (an elementary student, MS student, HS student, parent, teacher, Indonesian staff member) and compare their answers with yours.

I interviewed my younger brother, my driver and a High school student. According to my brother, he said the definition of poverty is when you wander around the streets without a home. My driver stated that poverty is when you have not enough money to buy food for your family members and to pay for transportation (bus fare, etc.). The high shcool student I interviewed told me that poverty is when you make less than 2 dollars a day. To compare these answers with my own definition, they were quite similar, except that I did not mention the earning 2 dollars a day fact.

What is the minimum wage in Jakarta Indonesia?

The minimum wage in Jakarta is about Rp.972,604. I found out that this was about the same wage my driver and maids earn.

What feelings did you write down associated with poverty?

Some feelings that i wrote down about poverty were: Desperation, humiliation, aggravation, sadness, exhaustion, powerlessness, stressful, hopelessness.

What are some ways you think will get people out of poverty?

Some ways to get people out of poverty could be increasing the number of community services, making more jobs for the poor or loaning money to help people escape poverty.